Online labs provide students with the possibility to conduct scientific experiments in an online environment. Remotely-operated labs (remote labs) offer an opportunity to experiment with real equipment from remote locations. Virtual labs simulate the scientific equipment. Data sets present data from already performed lab experiments. Please use the filters on the right to find appropriate online labs for your class.

Please note that the Go-Lab Authoring Platform Graasp is no longer maintained. This means that it is not possible to create and publish new Go-Lab Inquiry Learning Spaces using the labs listed on this page. However, you can still access the labs and use them directly on the providers' websites with help of the preview links, which you will find on the dedicated lab pages. If you are interested in creating and using Inquiry Learning Spaces in your classroom, please visit the new Authoring Platform

If you are looking for online labs selected for the curricula of Benin, Kenya or Nigeria, please visit our Collections page.

If you select labs in Dutch, the descriptions on this website will still be displayed in English. However, when you include the lab in an ILS and change the language setting of the ILS to Dutch, the lab will be displayed in Dutch within the ILS.

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Electricity - Electro...
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Digital systems are everywhere. For instance, a computer is a digital system. This experiment shows the principles of digital systems and devices. This remote lab is not about science, it is about engineering (and technology): design, implementation and analysis of digital systems.

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The photoelectric effect is playing a major role in the development of quantum physics. Here one can investigate the energy of electrons which are released by irradiating light on metals. These observations are leading to the particle model of light (light as a photon).

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Solar module lab provides voltage (V) / current (I) characteristic of the selected solar module.

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LXI-VISIR for AC circuits is a remote laboratory that allows students to create various circuits with resistors (1 kohm and 10 kohm), capacitors and diodes. The circuit is powered by function generator and measured with  an oscilloscope and multilemeter.

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Frequency dependent phenomena in RLC circuits are basis for both demonstration of phenomena in electricity and electromagnetism and for circuits with resonance phenomena. Usually, the voltage transfer and phase characteristics (i.e.

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LXI-VISIR for DC circuits is created and deployed by the WebLab-Deusto on the VISIR basis to design all available serial and parallel circuits using four resistors (1 kohm and 10 kohm). The circuit is powered by DC voltage (0-25V).

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The electrochemical sources of electric energy are important components for various appliances. Two basic parameters of any DC electromotive voltage source are important – the electromotive voltage and the internal resistance of the source.