Online labs provide students with the possibility to conduct scientific experiments in an online environment. Remotely-operated labs (remote labs) offer an opportunity to experiment with real equipment from remote locations. Virtual labs simulate the scientific equipment. Data sets present data from already performed lab experiments. Please use the filters on the right to find appropriate online labs for your class.

Please note that the Go-Lab Authoring Platform Graasp is no longer maintained. This means that it is not possible to create and publish new Go-Lab Inquiry Learning Spaces using the labs listed on this page. However, you can still access the labs and use them directly on the providers' websites with help of the preview links, which you will find on the dedicated lab pages. If you are interested in creating and using Inquiry Learning Spaces in your classroom, please visit the new Authoring Platform

If you are looking for online labs selected for the curricula of Benin, Kenya or Nigeria, please visit our Collections page.

If you select labs in Finnish, the descriptions on this website will still be displayed in English. However, when you include the lab in an ILS and change the language setting of the ILS to Finnish, the lab will be displayed in Finnish within the ILS.

Electricity And Magne...
Virtual Lab
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Rating: 4.5 - 12 votes

In the Electrical Circuit Lab students can create their own electrical circuits and do measurements on it. In the circuits the students can use resistors, light bulbs, switches, capacitors and coils. The circuits can be powered by a AC/DC power supply or batteries.

Rating: 3 - 2 votes

See how the equation form of Ohm's law relates to a simple circuit. Adjust the voltage and resistance, and see the current change according to Ohm's law. The sizes of the symbols in the equation change to match the circuit diagram. Sample Learning Goals
very good

Rating: 5 - 1 votes

Learn about the physics of resistance in a wire. Change its resistivity, length, and area to see how they affect the wire's resistance. The sizes of the symbols in the equation change along with the diagram of a wire. Primary aims:

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This simulation allows to visualize a process of dissociation of chloride natrium in water. 

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This lab lets you visualize the electrostatic force that two charges exert on each other. Students can observe how changing the sign and magnitude of the charges and the distance between them affects the electrostatic force. Sample learning goals:

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Light a light bulb by waving a magnet. This demonstration of Faraday's Law shows you how to reduce your power bill at the expense of your grocery bill.

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Make sparks fly with John Travoltage. Wiggle Johnnie's foot and he picks up charges from the carpet. Bring his hand close to the door knob and get rid of the excess charge.Sample Learning Goals

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Why does a balloon stick to your sweater? Rub a balloon on a sweater, then let go of the balloon and it flies over and sticks to the sweater. View the charges in the sweater, balloons, and the wall. Learning goals

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Explore how a capacitor works! Change the size of the plates and the distance between them. Change the voltage and see charges build up on the plates. View the electric field, and measure the voltage.

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Arrange positive and negative charges in space and view the resulting electric field and electrostatic potential. Plot equipotential lines and discover their relationship to the electric field. Create models of dipoles, capacitors, and more!