Inquiry Learning Spaces (ILSs) are personalized learning resources for students, including a lab, apps, and any other type of multimedia material. ILSs follow an inquiry cycle. Inquiry cycles can differ but the basic Go-Lab cycle consists of the phases Orientation, Conceptualisation, Investigation, Conclusion, and Discussion. The aim of an ILS is to provide students with an opportunity to conduct scientific experiments, being guided through the inquiry process and supported at each step.

This page presents ILSs created by teachers or the Go-Lab and/or Next-Lab team (and often in co-creation), on a large set of domains and in many languages. Please note that the Go-Lab Authoring Platform Graasp is no longer maintained. This means that it is not possible to create and publish new Go-Lab ILSs, preview or copy ILSs listed on this page. It is only possible to view the descriptions of ILSs, which were created and published during the lifetime of the Go-Lab projects. This page can be used for your information only. If you are interested in creating and using Inquiry Learning Spaces in your classroom, please visit the new Authoring Platform

If you are looking for Inquiry Learning Spaces created especially for the curricula of Benin, Kenya or Nigeria, please visit our Collections page.

Forces And Motion
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Scopul acestui material este de a orienta copiii către știință prin activități bazate pe jocuri, experimente care să le dezvolte gândirea și creativitatea, printr-un limbaj simplu și amuzant.

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See uurimuslik tegevus aitab õpilastel aru saada kaalukiige tööpõhimõttest. Algab see koostöise tegevusega, milles kahest õpilasest koosnev tiim peab sõnumirakenduse abil koostööd tehes kaalukiige tasakaalu saama. Kumbki õpilane saab kontrollida ainult kaalukiige üht poolt.

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See uurimuslik tegevus aitab õpilastel aru saada kaalukiige tööpõhimõttest. Algab see koostöise tegevusega, milles kahest õpilasest koosnev tiim peab sõnumirakenduse abil koostööd tehes kaalukiige tasakaalu saama. Kumbki õpilane saab kontrollida ainult kaalukiige üht poolt.

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فى هذه المساحة التعليمية سنتعرف على ما هى قوة الجاذبية الأرضية و تأثيرها على الأجسام بطريقة الاستكشاف العلمى الممتعة و مراحلها المختلفة و سنقوم بهذا بمساعدة بعض الأدوات مثل: أداة الاسئلة و اداة الفرضيات و الجدول

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This inquiry activity teaches students to understand how a seesaw works. It begins with a collaborative activity to engage a pair of students to balance a common seesaw by chat messaging with each other. Each student can interact with only one side of the seesaw.

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This inquiry activity teaches students to understand how a seesaw works. It begins with a collaborative activity to engage a pair of students to balance a common seesaw by chat messaging with each other. Each student can interact with only one side of the seesaw.

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στο μάθημα αυτό  έχουμε την ευκαιρία να μελετήσουμε τους παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν τη πλεύση/βύθιση των αντικειμένων.Το μάθημα στοχεύει στη καλλιέργεια δεξιοτήτων διερώτησης από τους μαθητές, όπως είναι η διατύπωση υποθέσεων και ο σχεδιασμός έγκυρων πειραμάτων.  

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Oinarrizko egoera. Zer gertatuko zaio arrautzari uretan jartzekotan? flotatuko du ala hondoratuko da? Gure etxeko sukaldean ikertuko dugu!!

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