Inquiry Learning Spaces (ILSs) are personalized learning resources for students, including a lab, apps, and any other type of multimedia material. ILSs follow an inquiry cycle. Inquiry cycles can differ but the basic Go-Lab cycle consists of the phases Orientation, Conceptualisation, Investigation, Conclusion, and Discussion. The aim of an ILS is to provide students with an opportunity to conduct scientific experiments, being guided through the inquiry process and supported at each step.

This page presents ILSs created by teachers or the Go-Lab and/or Next-Lab team (and often in co-creation), on a large set of domains and in many languages. Please note that the Go-Lab Authoring Platform Graasp is no longer maintained. This means that it is not possible to create and publish new Go-Lab ILSs, preview or copy ILSs listed on this page. It is only possible to view the descriptions of ILSs, which were created and published during the lifetime of the Go-Lab projects. This page can be used for your information only. If you are interested in creating and using Inquiry Learning Spaces in your classroom, please visit the new Authoring Platform

If you are looking for Inquiry Learning Spaces created especially for the curricula of Benin, Kenya or Nigeria, please visit our Collections page.

If you select ILSs in English, the descriptions on this website will still be displayed in English, except if the ILS author has provided the description in English. However, if you click on the preview button or copy an ILS to Graasp, the ILS will be displayed in English, as created by the ILS author.

Energy Transformation
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The human brain is made up of a complex network of nerve cells or neurons. Neurons control everything that our body does from the heartbeat to the emotions.

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This ILS lets students get an idea of different forms of heat transfer, especially focusing on how friction generates heat.

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This inclusive environmental ILS was designed following a cultural impact approach. Students will reflect on how much our lives nowadays depend on electricity and fuels, compared to the past and to less developed countries.

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This inclusive environmental ILS was designed implementing the Open Schooling approach.

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This inclusive environmental ILS was designed implementing the socioeconomic impact approach. The main objective is to promote a discussion related to the importance of renewable energy, to engage students in investigating the uptake of renewable energy in their country or region.

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This inclusive environmental ILS was designed implementing the scientific impact approach. Students are introduced to the importance of electricity in our daily lives and its impact on the environment.

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This inclusive environmental ILS was designed implementing the scientific impact approach. Students are introduced to the importance of renewable energy, and how the world is doing in the transition to renewable energy. 

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This inclusive environmental ILS was designed implementing the scientific impact approach. In this activity, students are getting familiar with the thermal desalination principle and then learn more about a specific method that uses small t

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This inclusive environmental ILS was designed implementing the scientific impact approach. Prompted by the existence of too many swimming pools in the Mediterranean countries, students are asked whether the water in a pool can get lost.

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This is an introductory activity about volcanoes. Students learn about their main features, their creation and the effects of volcanic eruptions to humans.