Inquiry Learning Spaces (ILSs) are personalized learning resources for students, including a lab, apps, and any other type of multimedia material. ILSs follow an inquiry cycle. Inquiry cycles can differ but the basic Go-Lab cycle consists of the phases Orientation, Conceptualisation, Investigation, Conclusion, and Discussion. The aim of an ILS is to provide students with an opportunity to conduct scientific experiments, being guided through the inquiry process and supported at each step.

This page presents ILSs created by teachers or the Go-Lab and/or Next-Lab team (and often in co-creation), on a large set of domains and in many languages. Please note that the Go-Lab Authoring Platform Graasp is no longer maintained. This means that it is not possible to create and publish new Go-Lab ILSs, preview or copy ILSs listed on this page. It is only possible to view the descriptions of ILSs, which were created and published during the lifetime of the Go-Lab projects. This page can be used for your information only. If you are interested in creating and using Inquiry Learning Spaces in your classroom, please visit the new Authoring Platform

If you are looking for Inquiry Learning Spaces created especially for the curricula of Benin, Kenya or Nigeria, please visit our Collections page.

Energy Transformation
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This ILS lets students get an idea of different forms of heat transfer, especially focusing on how friction generates heat.

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Życie w zimnym klimacie to wyzwanie, dlatego niektóre gatunki wykształciły wiele przystosowań do funkcjonowania w tej części świata. Jak wysokie są "drzewa" w arktycznych "lasach", a jakie kolory ma tundra latem?

Rating: 4 - 1 votes

Au cours de cette séquence de classe, tu vas comprendre comment produire le courant électrique du secteur. La démarche d'apprentissage utilisée est l'approche par compétence. Elle se déroule en cinq étapes: Orientation-Conceptualisation-Investigation- Conclusion et la Discussion.

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Percorso iniziale con Arduino Studenti Kit per gli studenti della scuola secondaria di primo grado sviluppato all' IC21 di Bologna.

Rating: 1 - 1 votes

Vom porni într-o călătorie unde vom face cunoștință cu ENERGIA ! Ce este energia? Este una dintre cele mai frecvente întrebări pe care le punem atunci când începem să studiem științele naturii.

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This ILS is abaut solar energy and photovoltaic systems.

Rating: 3 - 2 votes

This lesson plan aims to learn about the use of physical knowledge about the of a projectile motion and the creation of a script for " a robot basketball player " by using the Scratch application.

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Déterminer par investigation la vitesse de déplacement du robot et analyser le déplacement.

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Application about Ohm's law

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Kokonaisuudessa tutkitaan virtapiirejä ja miten erilaiset materiaalit johtavat sähköä. Tutkimus tehdään virtuaalisessa virtapiirilaboratoriossa. Tavoitteet: Oppilas oppii mitä tarkoittaa, että jokin materiaali on johde tai eriste