Inquiry Learning Spaces (ILSs) are personalized learning resources for students, including a lab, apps, and any other type of multimedia material. ILSs follow an inquiry cycle. Inquiry cycles can differ but the basic Go-Lab cycle consists of the phases Orientation, Conceptualisation, Investigation, Conclusion, and Discussion. The aim of an ILS is to provide students with an opportunity to conduct scientific experiments, being guided through the inquiry process and supported at each step.

This page presents ILSs created by teachers or the Go-Lab and/or Next-Lab team (and often in co-creation), on a large set of domains and in many languages. Please note that the Go-Lab Authoring Platform Graasp is no longer maintained. This means that it is not possible to create and publish new Go-Lab ILSs, preview or copy ILSs listed on this page. It is only possible to view the descriptions of ILSs, which were created and published during the lifetime of the Go-Lab projects. This page can be used for your information only. If you are interested in creating and using Inquiry Learning Spaces in your classroom, please visit the new Authoring Platform

If you are looking for Inquiry Learning Spaces created especially for the curricula of Benin, Kenya or Nigeria, please visit our Collections page.

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Este ILS ambiental emprega o impacto sócio económico inclusivo. Este projeto permite que os alunos do ensino básico avaliem criticamente a pegada hídrica usando um exemplo de produção de jeans. O aluno terá a oportunidade de desenvolver as competências sócio económicas e científica.

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Esta ILS medioambiental inclusiva emplea el impacto socioeconómico inclusivo. Este proyecto permite a los alumnos de primaria evaluar de forma crítica la huella hídrica utilizando un ejemplo de producción de vaqueros.

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Αυτό το ILS σχεδιάστηκε ακολουθώντας ένα πρότυπο κοινωνικοοικονομικής προσέγγισης περιβαλλοντικών θεμάτων. Το μάθημα επιτρέπει στους μαθητές του δημοτικού να αξιολογήσουν με κριτική σκέψη το υδατικό αποτύπωμα χρησιμοποιώντας ως παράδειγμα την παραγωγή των τζιν και του υφάσματος ντένιμ.

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Ingurumenari buruzko ILSak inpaktu sozioekonomiko inklusiboaren ikuspegia erabiltzen du. Proiektu honi esker, lehen hezkuntzako ikasleek modu kritikoan ebaluatu dezakete aztarna hidrikoa, bakeroen ekoizpenaren adibidearekin.

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Esta actividad de aprendizaje se diseñó para una lección ambiental culturalmente inclusiva. El proyecto integra varias actividades de la escuela primaria (lectura/escritura, matemáticas, arte y cultura medioambiental) sobre el tema del uso del agua limpia.

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Ingurumenari buruzko ILS inklusibo hau inpaktu zientifikoaren ikuspegia aplikatuz diseinatu da. Ikasunitatean zehar, lehen hezkuntzako ikasleek urak errekatik txorrotara zer bide egiten duen ikasiko dute. Gainera, horri buruzko esperimentu bat diseinatu eta egingo dute.

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Jarduera hau ingurumenari buruzko ikasgai inklusibo kultural baterako diseinatu da. Proiektuak lehen hezkuntzako hainbat jarduera biltzen ditu (irakurketa/idazketa, matematika, artea eta ingurumen-kultura) ur garbiaren erabileraren inguruan.

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The presented environmental ILS employs the socioeconomic inclusive impact. This project allows primary school student to critically evaluate the water footprint using an example of denim production. Besides the scientific competence, student will create a social–economic one.
very good

Rating: 5 - 5 votes

Această lecție se referă la arie și perimetru (este traducerea spațiului "Bouween Tuinhuis voor Stephen en Marie").

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Το μάθημα αυτό αποτελεί τη μετάφραση του "Build a garden house for Stephen and Marie"